Auden’s Poems Are Primarily Occupied with Suffering, How Far Do You Agree with This Statement?

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To some extent I agree that Auden’s poems are occupied with suffering as he manages to incorporate a constant idea of suffering whether it’s obvious or not in his poems. We start with Musee des Beaux Arts, this poem focuses around the story of Icarus. The idea of suffering that Auden presents is one that makes it seem as it is a matter of unimportance. “The ploughman may have heard the splash, the forsaken cry, But for him it was not an important failure” the fact that the ploughman didn’t even react to the suffering of Icarus nor anyone else shows that it is something that people cannot really sympathise with as they are not in the same situation. However this is human nature and Auden is merely showing from this poem that suffering is something that no person can understand until it happens to them and when they see someone else suffer it’s almost a relief to them that it isn’t happening to them. This may come across as some arrogant or dispassionate but it is of course human nature and is something that we cannot control. In the poem Victor, again there is the same idea of suffering. The poem in short is about a boy who has a close minded father who is quite religious as some of the things he says to Victor can be related to certain passages in the bible. “Don’t you ever tell lies” this could be referring to one of the Ten Commandments “Thou shall not tell lies” which already we can gather that his father was a very strict father who cares about his legacy and does this by indoctrinating his son with all these ideas. Suffering can already be seen here as Victor’s childhood seems to be one controlled by his father and when his father dies this of course builds up inside of him. However later on in his life things perk up and he meets a girl who later on becomes his wife called Anna, who then later becomes unfaithful and he kills her. There is an irony to this

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