Attacked by a Mamba Mutu and Alive to Tell the Story

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September 12, 2011 / Quito-Ecuador Mamba Mutu is a very dangerous creature native form the lake Tanganyka located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It’s said to have arms similar to those of the lobster, a fish-like tail and its head has a very humanoid appearance. Natives from the Congo stated that the Mamba Mutu likes to feed from the blood of children. It seems that the beast is much worse than the descriptions before affirmed by Dr. Sullivan, expert in this kind of monster. Daniela Arcos a young lady from Ecuador saw the Mamba Mutu face to face and she is alive to tell us all the details about her confrontation. Daniela is 15 years old and is an adventurous girl, last Monday she was at the Cuyabeno Reserve with all her family and she decided to go for a walk by herself in the open jungle. All the guides had warned her that is was dangerous for her to go on her own but she said she was going to be alright. The Cuyabeno Reserve, located in the province of Sucumbios, is known for the variety it possesses in both plant and animal life. The climate of the Cuyabeno Reserve is characteristic of those of the tropical jungle, with lots of rain during, almost, all year long. Typical temperature reaches 25°C. Present day the reserve has 655,781 acres and includes the area of Cuyabeno River that runs from east to west in an extension of 140km between Aguarico and San Miguel Rivers. To get acces to this area you need to arrive primarily to Lago Agrio, there you can choose your way in, its either by land or water. If you decide to go by land you should take the road Lago Agrio-Tarapoa-Tipishca. If you decide to go by water you should take the river Agurico’s fluent. So Daniela was walking in the lush forest investigating and appreciating all the many different types of wildlife, when she heard a noise. “It sounded like a horse”, Daniela commented, “and it was

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