Atrial Septal Defect Essay

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Atrial Septal defect is a congenital heart defect that is also known as ASD. This congenital defect is an abnormal opening in the dividing wall between the atria (the upper filling chambers of the heart), commonly referred to as a hole in the heart, there are also a few different types of ASD. ASD is formed during fetal development, approx. a few weeks after conception and is present at birth. There is no clear cause on why ASD happens. The following genes are associated with ASD; ASD1, ASD3, NKX2-5 and GATA4, In some cases the tendency to develop an ASD may be genetic. ASD accounts for 10% of all heart defects, making them the third most common. It affects 3,000 babies per year in the United States and is almost seen twice as frequently…show more content…
The increased blood flow to the lungs is what makes the swishing sound known as a heart murmur. ASD can be commonly heard as a heart murmur with auscultation of a stethoscope. The heart murmur can be difficult to hear as it is not very loud depending on the size of the defect. Atrial defects are usually detected before the age of thirty and can go undetected prior to that with no signs or symptoms. Some of the signs to look for in younger children are poor appetite, poor growth, fatigue, shortness of breath and pneumonia. After ASD is suspected there are a few different test doctors can send you for to confirm the defect. A chest x-ray showing an image of the heart and surrounding areas, to check for fluid in the lungs or an enlarged heart. You can go for an EKG, which will record you electric activity of the heart and also can indicate volume overload of the right side. An ECHO will provide a visualized picture with blood flow through the heart chambers via sound waves. An Echocardiogram is the most recommended way to diagnose an ASD. MRI is also a technique used as a last result to create a 3-D image when an echo can not definitively diagnose an Atrial sepal

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