Atomic Admission Experiment

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Atomic Admission Aim: To Identify the unknown element by observing its colors and wavelengths. Hypothesis: The unknown metal salts can be identified Safety Assessment: 1. Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from the chemicals 2. Wear lab coat to protect your skin from the chemicals 3. Do not sniff, taste, or touch the chemicals 4. Be wary of the flames and chemicals 5. Make sure to cap the chemicals immediately after use and not get them contaminated. 6. Be sure to clean up well after the experiment. Method: 1. Get a spatula, a beaker, and a measuring cylinder. 2. Get Hydrochloric acid and use the measuring cylinder to measure 40 ML of it. Then pour into beaker for easier usage. 3. Get a Bunsen…show more content…
Measuring Cylinder (1) f. Beaker (1) Results Table: Name of Compound | Observe atomic admission | Calcium Chloride CaCl2 | The flames turned into an orangey color then gradually turned redish brown with a bit of orange. | Barium Chloride BcCl2 | The flames turned into yellowish color then it became whitish and brownish and eventually turning green. | Magnesium ChlorideMgCl2 | The metal salt bubbled when it hit the flames then its flames turned orange and yellow. And the substance that is left on the spatula turned into a glue like white mask. | Nickel ChlorideNiC12 | The substance was green originally but turned yellow after being exposed to the flames. The flames emitted were sparks of strips of bright yellow. | Copper ChlorideCuc12 | The flames that were emitted were sparks of stripy colors. The flames was first blue then it turned green. Gradually turning yellow. The substance that was left on the spatula was originally green but turned red after being exposed to the flames. | Strontium Chloride SrC12 | The flames emitted became red then turned into a yellowish orange color and gradually turned green with a little bit of purplish blue.…show more content…
The unknown samples are strontium chloride and copper chloride. Some of the errors that might’ve occurred during our experiment could’ve been due to the fact that we didn’t have much time. Therefore, we rushed through the experiment and might’ve not washed the spatula properly before dipping it into a new substance. Due to this, the color of the flames emitted could vary and not be accurate because the different substances could’ve mixed. Lack of equipment could’ve been one of factors that contributed to our errors. During this lab, we only had access to one spatula. Due to the lack of time we continued to use this one spatula despite the fact that it may not be cleaned properly and could still be dirty. The dirty spatula could’ve caused our results to be inaccurate because the different samples could’ve mixed causing the color of the flames emitted to vary. Another error that we made was due to lack of equipment once again. We had to share the Bunsen burner with another group since theirs broke. As a result of this we only held the spatula in the flames for a short while. The colors of flames that are emitted varies or changes as you hold the sample in the flames for a longer period of time therefore, since we held the sample in the flames for only a short while, it might not be enough time for the electrons to absorb enough energy to jump

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