Asthm Database Analysis

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The following piece of academic work will describe and compare databases that were used to search for information on the topic of (option one) asthma. For the purpose of this report there are three limits that are to be applied. Firstly there is the topic term which is asthma; this is the only word that can be used in this search and cannot be used in conjunction with another word. The next limit is the publication date of the information which must fall between 2003-2008. The final limit to be applied is an age range; this is to be adult (19-44 years old). The databases that have been chosen are the University of Dundee Library Catalogue, Intute and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL). The library catalogue search…show more content…
It has a basic search option where the user is able to enter a word/phrase and is able to dictate what field they would like to search (title, author, ISBN). The catalogue also has a more advanced search option where you are able to be more specific and detailed in the search request. This option allows up to three fields and words/phrases to be searched and provides an option to limit the types of materials, the location and the dates of publications being searched. The library catalogue provided numerous materials when the limits were applied, this ranged from books, e-books, dissertations, electronic resources, journals to posters and DVD materials. This database would be best suited to those within the academic world such as students and lecturers and would be a valuable resource in providing resources for academic…show more content…
This option also allows the type of resources to be narrowed down, a search could be requested for E-books alone or the user could simply search all resource types. Intute as with the library catalogue would be a valuable tool for those within the academic world but more importantly Intute is able to be accessed by the general public unlike the library catalogue where you would have to be associated with higher education. This allows those with an interest in a medical problem or general health are able to search quality information that is peered reviewed without paying for it or being associated with higher
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