Assisted Suicide Personal Response

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Reading Portfolio: Personal Response “Assisted suicide: A right or a wrong?” Even as I read about this controversial issue about euthanasia, it saddens me that people would want to argue whether it should be legal to choose to end their lives. But of course, they have their reasons too. Supporters of the legalization of euthanasia reason mainly on the basis that every person should have the freedom of choice to do whatever he wants with his body life, which includes controlling his own death and being given the right to maximum happiness that he can get. I think the arguments for euthanasia have a point; imagine and put yourself in the shoes of a terminally and critically ill person that suffers excruciating pain 24 hours a day, 7 days…show more content…
Such a gravely ill person, would hardly be in the right mind and position to make this important decision; his only wish would be to escape from his sufferings. Even if he was thinking rationally, there would be many foreign factors taken into consideration, influences by others to make you feel devalued and a burden, comments by doctors, sighs and the look of exhaustion in the eyes of loved ones, all these small gestures are enough to persuade a patient exhausted of fighting to sign the document of approval. The idea of “letting go”, choosing to go into peaceful, endless slumber sounds like a much happier and fortunate future than battling your illness for a few more months writhing in agony, but please realize, death isn’t a brighter future you will be entering into, but non-existence. Furthermore, establishing legal euthanasia would have a profound negative on the society. Imagine, if euthanasia was legalized, the message sent to general public would be: death is a legitimate alternative to sufficiently large personal challenges, regardless of what those challenges are. The same emotional mechanism is in place in both euthanasia and suicide - a belief that to die would be better than to continue living in adversity. The consequences of a society with this mindset would be more than

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