Assisted Suicide

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Assisted Suicide: A Person's Right Assisted Suicide has been around for thousands of years dating back to Ancient Greece and Rome (Weikart). Assisted suicide refers to when a terminally ill patient is killed as a way out of the physical and mental pain of their disease. The only place in the United States where physician assisted suicide is legal is In Oregon, where the death with dignity act was passed in 1997 (Stokely). Euthanasia became popular during the 1990's when Dr. Kevorkian would illegally killed terminally ill patients from his home (Stokely). Because each person has basic human rights that cannot be taken away, he or she should be able to make a very private decision about the circumstances and time of his or her own death.…show more content…
There are other terms that are similar and refer to assisted suicide. Passive euthanasia is when means of sustaining life are taken away such as life support or antibiotics (Humphry). While active euthanasia refers to a lethal injection or pill is given directly to the patient. Other terms are voluntary and involuntary; involuntary is if patient is in a coma or vegetable state and are killed by a physician without direct consent from the individual (Humphry). While voluntary is when a physician provides knowledge and materials for one to kill themselves (Stokely). Despite the many different terms, they all refer to a terminally ill or unconscious patient dieing and are currently seen as…show more content…
Because of this situation, it shows the importance of regulations and laws to protect people who are not in a well mental state. One necessary precaution would be to have a professional physician determine which individuals are in a proper mental state that can make conscious decisions that would be for the best for them and their loved ones
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