Assignment 3/ Forensic Accounting

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|Entrepreneurial Leadership (Assignment 3/ Forensic Accounting) | | | |Terrence Rhodes | | | |11/14/2012 | | | |Dr. David A. Holness Bus 508: Contemporary Business | 1. Determine the most important five (5) skills that a forensic accountant needs to possess and evaluate the need for each skill. Be sure to include discussion regarding the relationship between the skill and its application to business operations. A forensic accountants five most vital skills are critical thinking, deductive analysis, legal knowledge, oral communication, and written communication. Equipped with these essential skills, a forensic accountant is able to best perform his or her duties. While other factors may also be of value, such as composure in the courtroom environment, strength in this skillset will enable them to be a force in the profession. Let us examine each more closely. Critical thinking, as defined by Boone and Kurtz, is defined as the “ability to analyze and assess information to pinpoint problems or opportunities” (Boone & Kurtz, 2012). The very nature of the forensic accountant falls within this definition. They have been hired to analyze and identify any discrepancies or intentional misrepresentations over a diverse set of situations. Assignments can range from analyzing matrimonial disputes to ensure proper
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