Assignment 1.1 Criminology Research Paper

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Assignment 1.1 Criminology Throughout the history of the United States of America laws and policies have constantly changed. Some of these new laws and policies have been popular amongst the public while others, not so much. An example, of an unpopular policy enacted by the U.S. government is prohibition. Prohibition in the U.S. was a nationwide ban on the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages that lasted from 1920 to 1933. Prohibition came about through temperance movements after the American Revolution, where drinking was on the rise. These organizations pushed towards moderation of alcohol consumption, but after several decades the focus of these organizations changed to completely prohibit…show more content…
It did this by helping us understand the causes of crimes during prohibition and who committed them and why. For example, organized crime arose as a result of prohibition. This happened because despite the nationwide ban of alcohol, there was still a great demand for it. Since legitimate producers and retailers of alcohol were put out of business citizens had to find their alcohol elsewhere. Gangsters saw a new profitable way to make money, by smuggling alcohol into the U.S. and opening speakeasies. This led to an increase in gang related crime and murder throughout the states. To combat this prohibition agents raided speakeasies and arrested gangsters, however the majority of these agents took bribes from the gangsters for a “get out of jail” card. Gangsters were then able to capitalize on the situation and basically monopolize the sale of alcohol. This gave them more power and money, this in turn put the gangsters in control of America. It all comes down to supply and demand. Americans viewed prohibition as an unpopular policy and therefore, did not deem it appropriate to obey this law. Since, it was impossible for an ordinary citizen to obtain “legitimate” alcohol they turned to the gangsters and speakeasies for their supply. This gave the gangsters more power and money, which led to crime, corruption, and

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