Assessment Tool Analysis

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Assessment Tool Analysis Kim Hoang NUR/440 January 16, 2013 Elena Purcar This paper will discuss three assessment tools that evaluate on-physical measures. Nurses should be knowledgeable in tools to expand the abilities of nurses to assess and evaluate clients in various stages and states of health, illness, stress and life. The three assessment tools that will be discussed are the Mini-Mental State exam, the Well Being Picture Scale, and the Perceived Stress Scale. Mini-Mental State Exam The Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) is a standardized screening tool that assists in determining our older clients’ current abilities and disabilities, and planning specific interventions based on the screening (Agostinelli, Demers & Waszynski, 1994). The MMSE has been used to detect cognitive deficits and to assess cognitive changes over time. This test is targeted towards elderly patients. This aides the nurse’s assessment in evaluating the patients’ capacities to care for themselves. The MMSE was devised by Marshall and Susan Folstein that simplify testing and scoring of the cognitive aspects of mental function (Agostinelli et al, 1994). “It consists of eleven questions that evaluate orientation to time and place; registration; attention; calculation; short-term memory and comprehension; and writing capabilities. It only takes about five to ten minutes to administer the test” (Agostinelli et al, 1994). The maximum score is 30, which based on the scale, 24-30 means normal cognitive aspects, 20-24 is mild cognitive impairment, 10-20 is moderate and 1-10 is severe cognitive impairment (Agostinelli et al, 1994). This test helps nurses to figure specific functional abilities and disabilities and the ability to carry out activities of daily living (ADL’s). Once they see which areas are impaired nurses can strategize what interventions to apply to their
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