Assess The Role Of Symbol In Religious Language.

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In order to produce a response to this statement I have decided first to produce a definition of the word symbol according to the English Dictionary. The definition of Symbol - 1. A thing regarded as suggesting something or embodying certain characteristics, the cross is the symbol of Christianity; the lion is the symbol of courage. Hawkins, J.M., Weiner, E.S.C., The Oxford Everyday Dictionary and Guide to Correct English, 1st. ed., The Leisure Circle Limited, 1985. Using this definition of Symbol, I can assess the role it plays in Religious Language throughout my essay. My choice of Philosopher to base upon my essay is Paul Tillich, and his account on Symbol in Religious Language, and the role that is played by it. Paul Tillich (1886-1965), a twentieth century philosopher and theologian has famously been associated with the use of symbols in relationship to the description to God. Paul Tillich thought that metaphors and symbols help bring understanding about God. Tillich believed that religious language tries to “interpret” or “communicate” a religious experience and described it to be “closer to poetry than prose” as a result of this interpretation/ communication between them. Tillich identified that in religious language there has often been a misunderstanding, or lack of the ability to distinguish between sign and symbol. To fully assess the role of symbol is religious language we need to give it a clearly defined definition. The definition of a sign according to Tillich in this sense is something that can either point you in right direction, an example of which would be a street sign or the term sign can also be defined as something to which people make a response to, an example being a red traffic light, the response being from the person to stop, this response however is not a response that is deeply meaningful to them. Whilst a symbol he argues,
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