Assess the Extent to Which Absolutism in France Was Strengthened Between 1661 and 1693

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Louis XIV’s reign was an absolutist reign. The extent of the success of absolutism under Louis however is up for debate. Absolutism is a form of ruling whereby the monarch at the time has absolute control over the country and every government decision is made by him. 1661 is the time Louis’ personal rule starts and this is when absolutism is introduced. Source B shows Louis at the height of his power in 1679, the year when the attack on the Huguenots became much more aggressive. In this source Louis writes about how he had been too heavily influenced by those around him leading him to make mistakes. He explains that ‘the mistakes I have committed and which have caused me pain have happened because I listen too easily to the advice of others’ this is Louis shifting the blame onto others in order to remove any criticism towards him. The reliability of this source is also in question as it is written by Louis himself so will more than likely have a biased view as Louis will try to justify his actions. Although the source explains how Louis was heavily influenced by others around him the source does however show how Louis was an effective absolute monarch. ‘the mistakes I have committed’, ‘some important matters could have been done better not personal interests been put before regard for welfare and power of the state’. Both of these quotations show how it was Louis who solely made the decisions thereby backing up the argument that absolutism was strengthened during 1661-1693.source A agrees with source B as it also shows how absolutism was strengthened in this period. The source is about Louis’s first act as king whereby he states how he will not have an assistant and will do it all himself meaning that he will have complete control over every single government decision that is made. The source is written in 1661 on the day that cardinal Mazarin dies. This date is
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