Assess The Contribution Of Functionalism To Our Understanding Of The Family Analysis

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Using the material from item A and elsewhere assess the contribution of functionalism to our understanding of families and households. Functionalists have a structural approach and believe that our behaviour is determined by society. It is based on a shared value consensus; this is where a set of social norms and functions are followed to meet goals and aims. Functionalists also believe that the family is the key essential part of all society. Functionalism is a Macro theory this means it is a large scale theory which has a broad array of information. Furthermore functionalists view society as a biology analogy. They believe this because they think society is like a human body where all the parts of the body work together to keep going just like in society everybody has their part to play and their job to do. George Murdoch argues that family performs 4 key functions to satisfy the needs of society and its members. These 4 points are; maintain a stable satisfaction of the sex drive, reproduce the next generation, socialise the young and meeting the economic…show more content…
Parsons believes this changed occurred due to society changing what it needs. Society need to change due to geographic mobility due to factories being created in one area and knocked down in another. Therefore people have to be able to just up roots and “follow the work”. The mobility would be a lot easier for a nuclear family than an extended family due to the fact that there are less people to move. Secondly there was a high demand for a socially mobile workforce. The pre industrial family had a variety of functions where as now things are completely different and only rely on having two (this is due to industrialisation). The first one of the two is Primary socialisation of the young (PSOC) and the second is the Stabilisation of adult personalities
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