Assess the Claim All Knowledge Is Derived Through Experience

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Assess the claim that all knowledge and ideas derive from sensory experience This is an interesting question as many empiricists believe this as well as believing in a priori knowledge. However many empiricists do believe all knowledge is from sensory experience because they reject any innate ideas because as Locke says in his essay concerning human understanding there are things regarded as innate such as a thing cannot be what it is and what it is not at the same time. This is generally regarded as one of the principle rules of thought and also a basic understanding however Locke set out that even though this rule could be considered innate there were very few minds even aware of this principle, especially among young children. This shows how even something considered by almost all people aware of it to be innate could be obviously lacking the necessary criteria to be innate; not very many people know about it at all, let alone before birth. Furthermore experience is one of, if not the, principle way of gaining knowledge and forming ideas. It helps people form concepts and especially form ideas that would not otherwise be formed. Rene Descartes argued that some ideas were innate and he attempted to prove this with a deductive argument in which if all the premises are true then the conclusion must be true. Through this he convinced himself that God was real and seeing as only God could have implanted the idea of God into him that it must be innate. This is a counter to Locke’s argument but I feel it is a poor one as the premises are not certainly true they are based on falsehoods especially ones about God being the perfect being; that just depends what you believe. Therefore I believe Rene’s God argument poses no significant threat to Locke’s theory. Plato, one of the men who influenced Descartes, argued that not only some ideas and knowledge are innate but
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