Assess Strengths and Weaknesses of Cosmological Argument

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Assess the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Cosmological argument. The cosmological is an argument that aims to prove the existence of a God and in many cases a Judeo Christian God. It has many different forms along with many different strengths and weaknesses. Firstly there are a number of strengths some stronger then others. One strength is that it is an a posteriori argument meaning it is based on empirical evidence and experience, this is quite a powerful strength as due to there it being based on evidence and experience it is very difficult to argue things that can be seen to be fact as there is evidence. Such as the idea of cause and effect which can be witnessed by all in everyday life. Many agree and have experience of things having a cause before it and therefor it could be seen reasonable to apply this to the Universe needing a first cause. Another strength is that it supports the idea of there being an initial cause to the universe which many scientist agree with. This makes the argument seem more valid due to the fact it coincides with science which is seen to be very factual. Ockham's razor also provides a strength for the cosmological argument due to the fact this argues the simplest reason is often the most plausible, as a God would be the simplest answer to how the universe started it gives support to the argument. However the argument also has a number of weaknesses and has a few people that disagree with it. Firstly Immanuel Kant a German Philosopher argued that although the idea of cause and effect is true within our sense of experiences we can make no claim on this on something we never experienced such as the start of the universe. He also argues that as no one has ever experienced God as he is transcendent we could not know about him or experience him. Anthony Kennedy also criticised Thomas Aquinas’ 1st way of motion which was that
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