Asperger Syndrome, a Case Study

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Introduction Autism is a newly discovered syndrome, relatively speaking. Back in the 1940’s, Hans Asperger was the first to describe the autistic personality disorder. At the same time another physician, Leo Kanner, described another aspect of autism that is characterised as having very severe impairments in language, socialization and cognition and what we now call the autistic spectrum (Kanner, 1943). It was not until after Asperger’s death in 1980 that the term Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) was used to provide a new diagnostic category within the autistic spectrum (Wing, 1981). Nowadays, Asperger syndrome is classified as a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by autistic social deficits and restricted patterns of behaviour and interests, occurring without clinically significant language impairment or cognitive delay (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). The purpose of this report is to compare and contrast theoretical perspectives of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Asperger syndrome (AS) and to support these perspectives with evidence through the use of literature, research and a case study. First a description of ASD and AS will be presented followed by the current diagnosis, prevalence and age of onset. Next, the triad of impairments will be described and linked to the case study. Asperger syndrome Autistic Spectrum Disorder’ is a generic term used to describe those individuals on the autistic spectrum who exhibit the behaviours associated with the triad of impairments identified by Wing and Gould (1979); namely of social interaction, communication and social imagination. However, it is important to realize that this spectrum is wide-ranging and that people on this spectrum will exhibit the impairments to varying degrees. Asperger syndrome is characterized by the same Triad of Impairments as ASD, but without significant language delay
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