Asian Stereotypes

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Asian-Americans have an interesting past with the American criminal justice system. The sad reality is that the Asian minority in America is often overlooked and not even counted. It is true that in most smaller communities Asians represent the smallest group but in larger communities their presence is much higher. Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Pacific Islanders, Laotians, and Cambodians are all part of Asian-American groups in the United States. Each group practices crime in different ways, for instance Japanese and Chinese tend to commit less violent crimes and murders than Vietnamese, Laotians, and Cambodians. Most Asian culture centers around tradition, patriarchal control, and self containment. Not only are language and historical fear major factors in the gap between crimes committed and the reporting of these crimes, but also the fact that Asians tend to believe they should handle their own issues. Much like the genital…show more content…
The reality in human nature, regardless of race, is that neglect breeds contempt. More and more Asian youths are not only breaking away from familial ties but also social stereotypes. Crime is a great way to break every Asian stereotype. Asian crimes, although not always studied correctly or accurately, are on the rise. The problem with the older Asian generations and the rest of American society is a long and painful past between their homeland and America. The stigma of past wounds between countries is not gone. Racism is evident for Asians just as it is with any other race. Crime reporting is down in Asian communities for fear of community backlash, familial disappointment, and the chance that local police officers will not fix the problem anyway. When the statistics show that Asian women would rather commit suicide than get divorced there is a problem within the culture and the application of police

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