Asher Lev Essay

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“My Name is Asher Lev” Essay My Name is Asher Lev” by Chaim Potok deals with conflict between a young Jewish boy and his parents and the Jewish society in accepting his dreams of becoming an artist. Freud's Approach is used to compare relationships between Asher and his parents and his father like figure. Everyone deals with acceptance within a family, religious society, ethnic group etc. As young teens, discovering our identity is our main goal and also fulfilling our potential in this world. Asher Lev is a confused young boy, who tries his best to please the people around him rather than focusing on his artistic abilities. He is torn between his desire to express himself as an artist and the need to be a perfect “Jewish” boy. Asher's life is filled with anguish and guilt. Asher also has an unconscious state of mind when it comes to his drawing. He discovers he is happiest when drawing or walking through the displays in museums but is never completely “conscious” of what he is doing . Later on in the novel, a fallen Jew and one of the best artists in the country, Jacob Kahn, becomes Asher's role model. Almost like a father figure, he teaches Asher how ignore everyone around him and live in the secular world. Asher Lev shows us the struggles of a young boy with the responsibility of pleasing religious community and wanting to be accepted as an artist. The relationship between Asher and his father does not display unconditioned love. Although his mother Rivkeh, takes pleasure from Asher's happiness which he gets through art, his father is strongly against it. Asher's life seems to be very confusing and hard as he is trying to please both his parents. He cannot stop drawing, and has developed an obsession for which Aryeh calls “foolish” and tries to prevent Asher from drawing. In a discussion between Asher and his father, Aryeh says,
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