As I Lay Dying Darden Character Analysis

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DarlRyan Fox ENL 3 Alexis Cattivera Paper 2 7/23/11 Darl’s Impact William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying depicts the life of a poor southern family during the early 1900s. The family goes through the death of their mother and wife, Addie Burden, and set out to accomplish her final wish of a burial in Jefferson. These events of the novel are told through the eyes of multiple narrators, most notably Anse and Addie Bundren’s second child, Darl. Darl is the primary narrator of the book, delivering the largest number of interior monologues. Because of his intellectually complex mind and his unique powers of perception Darl’s narration goes beyond the scope of what character’s knowledge should be. His large amount of narrations depicts dysfunction…show more content…
In the play Darl can see things, he has an ability to read people’s minds allowing him to narrate events that should be outside his character’s ability. In the book Darl is seen by outsiders of the family as being odd, always seeming “different from the others” (26). To the people around him he comes off as complex and distant. Why he acts this way is because his powers of perception act as telepathic link to other people’s minds, giving him the ability to know things that should be outside the scope of his knowledge. These powers are revealed when Darl discovers Dewey Dell’s pregnancy when she says, “I saw Darl and he knew. He said he knew without the words” (27). Darl’s ability to read Dewey Dell and know that she is pregnant shows his telepathic ability; he should of had no way of knowing of Dewey Dell’s pregnancy by looking at her. Darl’s narration is used to expose events and ideas that would otherwise remain hidden within the book, allowing Darl to almost act as an omniscient narrator. This fact becomes clear when Darl is able to vividly depict the death of Addie, although he is not present. These powers of perception that Darl has, allows for the reader exposure to the key aspects in the Burden family, like Dewey Dell’s pregnancy, through Darl’s narration, giving the reader to get a better picture where they otherwise be

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