Armstrong Case Analysis

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Name: Chenglin Ye SID: 430491467 Tutor: Dr. Stefan Volk Case: Following Lance Armstrong: Excellence Corrupted Briefly summary of the case When it came to the sport of cycling, Lance possessed characteristics that made him unique. His ability to take in and use oxygen effectively was higher than an average man by 90% and a trained and active many by 42%. Lance also produced less lactic acid than others, which allowed him to dominate the shorter races (Rose & Fisher, 2014). By the time he was 21, Lance had already ridden in his first tour and won the U.S. Pro Championship. Lance Armstrong also cheated death at the young age of 25. He won the battle against cancer when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer that then spread to his lungs and brain (Rose & Fisher, 2014). Lance vowed to return to the cycling world someday and that he did. Taking with him the hearts of Americans. With personal sponsors such as Nike, Oakley and Giro and creating the Lance Armstrong Foundation, Lance became an iconic figure. In 1997, when the USPS (United States Postal Service) sponsored the U.S. cycling team, they also took a chance with Lance. It was a rocky start until Johan Bruyneel became the team director and changed Lance’s training schedule and regime (Rose & Fisher, 2014). Armstrong was the key decision maker when it came to the team such as choosing the other riders, the doctors and the support staff. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey in January, Armstrong admits to having used performance-enhancing drugs throughout his cycling career and "bullying" teammates and others to lie about it. He said he began using testosterone, EPO, and blood transfusions in the mid-1990s and the illegal substances contributed to each of his seven Tour de France victories. He was definitely wrong for using performance-enhancing drugs during his career and unfairly

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