Arms And Memo Essay

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Arms and Ammo A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. This is the 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution that entitles Americans the right to bear arms. Recently, in the news and all across our nation there has been uproar over the issue of more gun control being necessary to make America safer. President Barrack Obama proposed and signed off on 23 executive actions that include a 10 round limit on ammunition magazines, a federal gun trafficking statue and reinstating a ban on assault weapons. Politicians, specifically liberals, believe that regulating arms and ammunition will reduce tragic events such as Newtown, Aurora and Batman movie opening night shootings. The truth is, society has become more dangerous and having…show more content…
“Such policies might, in fact, upset a national balance that correlates with the unprecedented drop in crime and the rise in public safety over the past two decades” (Domenech). Mass murders track closely with the homicide rate, but over the last decade the rates have dropped to lower than they have been since the 1960’s. Mass murder attracts a lot of attention from the media and although we may think that crime is rising, according to Domenech, we are living at a time when violent crime is at a historic low. Grant Duwe, a PH. D researcher in Minnesota, blames media’s irresponsibility for creating a false impression of rising mass murder because claims makers have relied almost exclusively on national news coverage as a source of data. News media has went and said more than what the facts of the murders can justify and have distorted the eyes of American citizens to be able to see what the true causes of deaths are here in

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