Arian Controversy and Its Impact on the Early Church: an Appraisal

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EMEKA CHARLES EKEKE ID UD19232HRE27080 COURSE: HISTORY AND DOCTRINES OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH AD 311-590 Assignment: Arian Controversy and its Impact on the Early Church: An Appraisal ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY HONOLULU, HAWAII DECEMBER, 2012 1 OUTLINE A. Introduction B. The Biographical Sketch of Arius C. Arianism as a Heretic Movement D. The Arian Controversy a).The Roots of the Controversy i).The Christology of Origen ii).Antiochene Monarchianism b). Trinitarianism i). The Extent of the Controversy ii).The Implication of the Controversy on the Church c). The Council of Nicea (325 AD) i).The Convener and Why? E. The Role of Athanasius in the Controversy F. The outcome of the Controversy Conclusion References 2 A. Introduction Theological controversies have plagued the history of the church right from its inception. Some have been mild and easily overcome in few years but others have remained for up to a century or more. This paper examines one of such controversies-Arian controversy, and how it affected the early church. The paper observes that Arian controversy was one major theological controversy that split the early church into two between Athanasius, representing the orthodox group and Arius representing the Arian group. This controversy was about the nature and substance of the second person of the Trinity. While the orthodox group upheld that Jesus Christ and the Father are of the same nature, Arians argued that Christ was created and so could not be of the same nature with the Father. Theological controversies have plagued Christianity since its inception. The burning issue during Paul’s period was how the Jewish Christians and Gentile converts could relate. This issue became so serious that the first Christian council was held in Jerusalem to settle it. Subsequently, the nail biting debates over Gnostics and their
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