Argumentative Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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“The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.”- Carl Sagan (“Quotes”). As one of the many Americans who wish to legalize marijuana, and it being such a controversial debate, there has to be some reasoning behind the beliefs of medicinal marijuana. Because without proof, there isn’t much to believe in? While some may disagree with this, which they are entitled to, here are some of the reasons why legalizing marijuana would be beneficial to society and how it can boost the economy. The current drug laws that are established are doing more harm than good. Legalizing…show more content…
President Barack Obama's point man for drug policy said legalizing marijuana won't solve the nation's drug problem, but addiction treatment will increase. (“Drugs”). Although, marijuana has no addictive characteristics therefore it cannot increase the addiction treatment, but instead decrease the addiction rate and it could reduce the nation's drug problem. Kerlikowske said via a recording by Minnesota Public Radio. “However, marijuana has public health consequences and it is the administration's policy to focus on evidence-based drug policy reform. For example, most patients see their primary care physician at least once a year and that annual meeting is a good time to address addiction issues”…show more content…
A recent report by the Marijuana Industry Group indicates that since January, the state’s newfound recreational pot trade has created upwards of 10,000 new jobs, with 2,000 joining the green collar workforce just in the past few months – this doesn’t include jobs created by medical marijuana sales.The state is now enjoying one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation – 6% – which is the lowest it has been since the recession started. So much for those old sayings about pot-heads being lazy. That’s an additional 10,000 people in a labor force out working, instead of collecting unemployment. That’s good for everyone. (“Natural
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