Argumentative Essay On A Serial Killer

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Terri Cook ENG 110 Adam Mills 10/19/12 Researched Argument Assignment Serial Killers: Born or Raised; Sick or Evil Serial Killers have been around for a long time. In 19th Century Europe, a Dr. Richard Von Krafft-Ebing, was the first to conduct actual research about this phenomenon. In 1879 he published his first major book, A Textbook of Insanity. In this book he offered extensive systems for categorizing and classifying mental disorders. Almost every serial case has a “pre-crime stresser”. This is defined as the reason a person turns to killing as a form of release. It could be almost anything that creates hatred or unjust feelings in the mind of the killer. They usually don’t realize it, but they act on these feelings in…show more content…
They have very little impulse control, and do not take time to plan any part of their attacks. They are not prepared for murdering, therefore must use anything handy when they attack. Usually it is in haste and sloppy. They care less about the physical characteristics of their victims. The definition of a Serial Killer according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is; one who performs a series of murders over a period of time. A Serial Killer is deeper defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigations’ Behavioral Analysis Unit as a person who commits 3 or more separate incidents over a span of time, thus causing the death of another human being. Murder is described as causing injury with all intentions of causing said injury to kill. The typical Serial Killer is male, between 18 and 35 years old, and Caucasian. The majority of Serial Killers are not technically insane; however two-thirds of them are…show more content…
Serial Killers: The Method and Maness of Monsters. E. Rutherford NJ: Putnam, 2004. Ebook Waddell, Cynthia, Wharf, Barney. “Heinous Spaces, Perfidious Places: The Sinister Landscapes of Serial Killers.” Social and Cultural Geography 3.3 (2002): 323-45 Crimes and Punishment: The Illustrated Crime Encyclopedia. Vol. 1-2. Tarrytown, NY. Websters Unified. 1994. Print. Annotated Bibliography Aggarwal, K.K., Bhullar, D.S., Dalal, J.S., Sharma, Manisha. “A Case Study of Serial Killers.” Journal of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 9.2 (2009): 109-13. Print. This was very helpful and informative for writing my paper. It gave several different examples of serial murders and the reasons they felt were to blame. Culhane, Scott E. “Self-Reported Psychopathology In a Convicted Serial Killer.” Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 8.1 (Jan. 2011): 1-21. Print. This article gave many ‘insider’ peeks at serial murder as well as how authorities have been able to apprehend them. Patherick, Wayne K. Serial Crime: Theoretical and Practical Issues in Behavioral Profiling. Burlington, MA: Academic, 2005.

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