Are the Built and Natural Environments Capable of Existing or Performing in a Harmonious Combination?

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Are the built and natural environments capable of existing or performing in a harmonious combination? Many theorists have sought to examine the relationship between the built and natural environments, between architecture’s man-made structures and nature’s complex ecosystems. Are they compatible or will they always be at odds? Does architecture have an inherent disposition to extract from and destroy the natural world? Within this essay I seek to discuss the possibility of both environments existing and performing in a harmonious combination, ultimately concluding that although biomimetic architecture can bring buildings, cities and neighbourhoods closer to a positive connection with nature, their relationship will never be completely harmonious. The built environment refers to all man-made material products erected for human activity. These products can range in scale from single buildings to entire neighbourhoods. In contrast, the natural environment refers to all living and non-living things that occur naturally without any human contribution.[1] Intuitively, we view these two environments to exist in contrast with one another; the simple, confined spaces of architectural design seem incomparable to the vast, complex and limitless landscapes of nature. However, uniformity has never been a necessary condition in the existence of a harmonious relationship. Diversity can exist and is often favored. What is necessary is the absence of exploitation or harm to one another, the presence of a mutual agreement and lack of detrimental competition between parties. The important question is therefore, whether such a relationship exists between the built and natural environments. Intuitivetley, the answer is no. Architecture appears to be advancing at a drastic pace, both in quantity and functional quality. Buildings are being constructed at a faster

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