Are People Better Off If They Do Not Listen to Criticism

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* Are people better off if they do not listen to criticism? Criticism often comes in two forms: destructive and constructive. Destructive criticism is where an individual despises a certain person and the actions of that person, the individual criticizes in a demeaning and condescending way. People who care give constructive criticism; criticism that allows the person to grow as a better individual. People must listen to criticism first before deciding to use it in their life. J.K. Rowling, a famous author who wrote the Harry Potter series, was not so successful at first. She was rejected by 12 publishers, and took longer than a year for her books to be published. The publishers that rejected her told Rowling that her that she needed to give up because her books were bland and unoriginal. Rowling listened to criticism and then brushed it off, she kept on looking for a publisher, and eventually found one. As history shows, these publishers were immensely wrong in rejected Rowling’s works. Her works eventually sold for over 450 million copies. If she hadn’t had brushed off the destructive criticism from the publishers, she might’ve never become a success; however, with her keen insight, she stuck with her works, and became a renowned author. In middle school, all I wanted to do was play tennis. I played tennis all the time, even neglecting my homework sometimes. I was one of the stars on the team, but all I focused on was tennis. I completely ignored all of my other responsibilities such as chores, school work, and social life. My parents saw this and commented that maybe tennis was ruining my life. Back then, I saw this as destructive criticism, I couldn’t believe that the one thing that mattered to me was ruining my life in the eyes of my parents. Then it hit me, tennis was the sole, one thing that mattered to me in my life. I had alienated all of my

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