Are Juveniles Like Adults

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Juvenile Rights CRJ 301 Juveniles like adults have a process to go through before they can be charged. Not all states are the same when it comes to processing, but they all have the same outcome. Juveniles like adults need to be punished for their actions regardless of whether it is a mild offense or a serious offense. During the processing there are some organizations that require certain procedure to be done, while in other states it is left up to the courts or the police officer. During an arrest of a juvenile the officer must first decided whether the officer or the general public is in harm’s way. If the officer feels that the juvenile may cause harm the officer may detain the minor for safety precautions.…show more content…
The officer uses the information they have and rationalizes where the minor should go next. Depending on the situation they may just release the minor after discussing their reason for intervening with them. But then the officer may decide they have enough information for their case to try the minor (Bartollas & Miller, 2008, p.134). This information may include past history of delinquency from the minor. The officer then may place the juvenile in a detention center or in some cases a foster home (Bartollas & Miller, 2008, p.18). Unlike adults juveniles can be arrested for noncriminal acts that are classified as juvenile offenses. Meaning there are different laws for minors then there are for…show more content…
Juveniles are treated with more care than an adult because of their fragile state during childhood (Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, 2011). Also, minors are usually left home with their parents to supervise them instead of putting them into facilities to help rehabilitate them (Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, 2011). Adults typically don’t get put into their parents care; they are placed into a facility that best suits their crime. I personally feel that these methods used for crime control are best for juveniles and adults. A minor needs more one on one based care due to the fact they are more influential during this stage in their life. In order to reduce the likely hood of a juvenile committing crime during adulthood, law makers need to ensure that the minor not only learns their lesson but has a positive experience as well. By providing this positive experience the juvenile is more apt to continuing the same pattern. In closing; while adults receive a hearing while be tried for crime, a juvenile should be able receive the same
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