Apartheid Museum vs the Constitution of S.a by Nani Ferreira

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Heritage in South Africa has been kept over the years for future generations, so that they do not forget. It is where cultural inspiration meets the eye, new theories to explore. It is shown in museums, public monuments, holidays etc. The Apartheid museum is a Heritage site in South Africa it is where black South Africans show their heritage. South Africa’s Constitution is one of the most thought through constitutions in the world, in particular the Constitutions Bill of Rights, Yet South Africa still has a troubled past and the Apartheid Museum is there to show the world how Afrikaners have disturbed Non-Whites with violence and emotional qualities. Afrikaners seem to forget what they have done. The Constitution of South Africa reflects on certain values in the Apartheid museum, some more obvious than others. Dignity- The Apartheid Museum attempts to respects all cultures, even though it is against the Afrikaans people (white South Africans). Many people think that the Afrikaner Dignity is being violated in the Apartheid Museum, but Others think that it is what they deserve for being such bad people in the past, but then again you can’t blame the younger generations for what their Ancestors have done, many white South African people are humiliated and disgusted for what their Ancestors have done while at the same time others are proud. Older generations (black and White) have taught their children to be against ‘the other colour’ ,now that is dignity being violated, black people are still suffering and white people are starting to suffer. A population of the black community and the white community are making things worse. Dignity is not being violated because the Apartheid museum was built to be a center of heritage and expertise which respects all cultures. It was not built to purposely make the Afrikaner look bad, It is there to remind all of us what others
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