Aria Memoir Of A Bilingual Childhood Analysis

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Aria: Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood By Richard Rodriguez Questions for Discussion: 1. Bilingual Education and Public Language 2. Paragraph 15 reveals to the readers how bilingual people are viewed in this particular society. It is viewed that as long as a non-English speaker can get their point across, it is okay. However, not having English-speaking parents makes Rodriguez feel like he is sticking out in society (his parents couldn’t help him with English). 3. Answers May Vary. Sample Answer: To Rodriguez, Spanish was a private language, as that is what he spoke at home with his family. English, however was used in public. My family does not have a “private language.” 4. Yes, as Rodriguez becomes “fit in” with society, while maintaining his relationships with his family, despite his lack of the ability to speak Spanish. 5.…show more content…
4. Rodriguez emphasizes the sound of language to stress the differences in pronunciation of letters and words in different languages. He is trying to appeal to both pathos and logos, as his explanation reflects on emotion and utilizes logical reasoning. 5. One signal is age. Rodriguez mentions age throughout the essay, and it allows the readers to identify his change and continuity over time. 6. At first, Rodriguez has a very close connection with his parents, and he communicates with them in Spanish. As time goes on, Rodriguez realizes that he must know English to “fit in” with the society. He becomes frustrated that his parents do not know English, so they cannot help him in school. Eventually, Rodriguez pretty much forgets Spanish and has some difficulty conversing with his family, however he is still able to communicate with them. 7. As previously stated, narrative and first-hand accounts of situations allow us to further understand Rodriguez, which helps amplify the magnitude of his

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