Anxiety in Eye Witness Testimony Essay

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Anxiety is a state of apprehension, worry or fear. Anxiety causes intense stress at the time of the incident.This means that the eyewitness may have difficulty encoding the information during the acquisition stage of the memory process, The results of research into the effect of anxiety on eyewitness testimony have been highly mixed. It is believed that eye witness testimony is most accurate when the anxiety level is somewhere in between low and high. There is Research showing that anxiety has a positive effect on eye witness testimony such as Yuille and Cutshall they interviewed people who had witnessed a real life shooting and found that recall was very accurate despite high levels of anxiety. However, the people who were subjected to the highest levels of anxiety were nearest to the incident so would have been able to see more clearly what happened. Also Christianson and Hubinette who interviewed people who had witnessed genuine bank robberies and found that the people who had been subjected to the greatest anxiety had the most detailed and accurate recall, Some were onlookers and some were bank clerks who had been directly threatened by the robbers.The recall lasted even after 15 months. There is also Research showing that anxiety has a negative effect on eye witness testimony such as Peters who again interviewed people attending a health clinic for an injection (which would make people anxious) and whilst they were there they spent an equal amount of time with the nurse and the researcher. A week later when participants were asked to identify both the nurse and the researcher they found it easier to identify the researcher. Loftus took two groups of participants who would over hear either an argument which is violent or a discussion a more peaceful scene followed by a man leaving the room where the argument or discussion took place either holding a knife
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