Antacids and Neutralization Reactions

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Antacids and Neutralization Reactions Tuesday April 2, 2013 Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to neutralize hydrochloric acid by adding three different antacids to determine which is the most effective. Hypothesis: To neutralize the hydrochloric acid, depending on if the antacid is strong it will need fewer drops. If the antacid is weak, it will need more drops to neutralize the hydrochloric acid. Variables and Controls: Manipulated- The amount of antacid in the solution with hydrochloric acid Responding- The pH level of the solution of the antacid and hydrochloric acid Controlled- The amount of hydrochloric acid and the amount of antacid in each of the drops Materials: Materials Reagents •pH paper • Dilute hydrochloric acid •Spot plate • 3 samples of liquid antacids (A, B, C) •dropper •glass stirring rod Lab Safety: Goggles must be worn at all times to protect eyes from the hydrochloric acid. The mixture must be disposed of properly. Procedure: 1. The pH of the hydrochloric acid and three samples of liquid antacid using pH paper were taken. 2. Five drops of hydrochloric acid were dropped into a well. 3. Into a clean dropper, antacid A was drew and dropped into the hydrochloric acid and mixed thoroughly with a clean stirring rod. 4. The pH of the solution was then taken by using Ph paper. If the pH was close to 7(neutral), the number of antacid A drops were recorded. If it was not, more antacid A was added and mixed. This process was continued until the

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