Animal Farm Essay

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TOPIC CHOICES FOR UNIT 1 ENGLISH 2013 SAC 2: CREATING AND PRESENTING (Choose one topic only) Prompt: “It is said that power corrupts but actually it’s more true that power attracts the corruptible” (David Brin) IMAGINATIVE WRITING 1. Choose an event or experience during or after the events related in Animal Farm. Write about it from one character’s point of view. 2. Write your own fable (with animals as characters). 3. Write an original short story. 4. Negotiate a similar topic with your teacher. PERSUASIVE WRITING 5. Write a speech that you would give to an assembly of VCE students and teachers, drawing on examples from Animal Farm and other examples/texts. 6. You are an animal (or human) involved in underground resistance trying to bring down Napoleon’s Manor Farm. Write a letter that you will send out to assist with your campaign. 7. Negotiate a similar topic with your teacher. EXPOSITORY WRITING 9. Write an article for a magazine that explores the relationship between power and corruption. Make sure you include ideas and/or examples from Animal Farm in your article. 10. You are a journalist for the local newspaper who sneaks into the farm and afterwards writes a feature article about the farm under Snowball and Napoleon’s leadership. 11. Write a comparative essay on the topic of corruption and power. Draw on specific examples from Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution. 12. Write an essay that explores how power is used in Animal Farm. 13. Negotiate a similar topic with your
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