Ancient Rome Vs. Modern Day Australia's Civilization

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Ancient Rome Essay The Roman civilisation is different to Modern day Australia’s civilisation. In Ancient Rome, the daily life is different from Modern day Australia thought they have little similarities. In Ancient Rome people were very good at engineering and understanding Greek science but they really didn’t do science themselves. In Modern day Australia we not just use science that was developed by others we use science to make new discoveries and technologies. Daily life in ancient Rome is different to daily life in modern day Australia. In Ancient Rome everything depended on social class and status. Ancient Rome was a patriarchal society meaning that it is a country controlled by male. This leads to the male to have total control over…show more content…
In Rome the entire citizen had the obligation to satisfy the Gods.In Ancient Romans used the Greek pantheon but gave them different names. The Roman worshiped the gods by sacrificing animals on the altar and praying to their God. The gods played an important role in a Roman’s life because the Romans believed that the Gods controlled everything and you and plead with them to change. The Romans built temples as a sacred place of worship. In Australia temples/churches all had the same basic design. Romans believed that if you angered the Gods you will be punished severely. The most important God to the people is the God of Jupiter who had a wife Juno, the God of the sky. Each family would have a family shrine and statues to worship the Gods3. In Australia we have a variety of different religions. Some religions in Australia are Polytheistic and some are monotheistic. This means in some religions people worship many Gods and in some religions they only worship on God. Some people have a firm religion, some have none and some are in-between4. We worship our God by praying to them. People built temples and churches as sacred place of worship to worship their God. Only a small amount of families have shrines in their house as a private place of worship for them. The Romans had a variety of Gods who were responsible for very particular areas of life like Copia – the God of wealth and plenty, Consus – the…show more content…
The King would govern Rome. However ancient Rome had developed its own government where the Romans governed themselves. Rome was remarkably democratic when its own people were concerned. Citizens of Rome would gather at an assembly to elect their own officials. The chief officials of Rome were called consuls and there were two of them. The consuls governed for a year. If they did not live up to expectations, they could be voted out of office at the next election. The senetor are from very rich and powerful families. They are the full-time policians in the Republic of Rome. Therefore, competence was rewarded and incompetence punished and also Successful Generals are a threat to the country8. Australia is a democratic country which means it is being governed by the people. One person, one vote. Everybody over the age of eighteen has the obligation to vote. If a general in Australia are successful they are still not a threat to the country. In Australia the social classes of rich and poor are not so bad. People don’t really judge you for your social class. You can wear and dress up in whatever you want without being getting in trouble because of your social class. There are no law for the poor to dress up as the rich. In Ancient Rome the governor had control over the architecture of Ancient

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