Analytical Essay's 'The Plot Of Frankenstein'

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Frankenstein -Setting- The setting of Frankenstein mainly took place in Geneva, but it was also set in many other countries throughout Europe. -Point of View- 1st person Victor, and 1st person monster -Major Characters- Victor, the Monster, Robert Walton, Elizabeth, Henry. -Personality -Victor- Out of touch with the decisions that he made, obsessive. He is the Protagonist. Created the Monster, the deaths of his friends and family. “It is well I’d go but remember I shall be with you on your wedding day” Monster pg156 ch.12 -The Monster- fearful of rejection and compassionate toward his adopted family. Vengeful toward Frankenstein family. He is the antagonist. Murder of Frankenstein family, creation of victors experiment. “My companion…show more content…
She is the protagonist. Proposal by Darcy, realization of Darcy’s and Wickham’s characters. “Compliments always take you by surprise, and me never.” Ch 4 Elizabeth -Darcy- Proud and thoughtful. Good friend of Mr. Bingley. Proposal to Elizabeth, second proposal to Elizabeth. “she hardly knew how to suppose that she could be an object of admiration to so great a man.” Darcy ch 10 -Jane- kind-hearted and cautious with her feelings. Oldest of Bennett daughters. Falling in Love with Mr. Bingley. “Laugh as much as you choose, but you will not laugh me out of my opinion.” Jane ch 17 -Charles Bingley- Easily influenced and a nice man. Darcy’s friend who move to Netherfield, and left Netherfield. “If a women is partial to a man, and does not endevour to conceal it, he must find it out.” Elizabeth ch 6 - Mrs. Bennet- obstructive and foolish. Elizabeth’s mother who is obsessed with husbands for her daughters. Attempting to push Elizabeth into a marriage with Mr. Collins. “ She was a women of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper.”
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