Analysis on "Is Cannabis Really That Bad?"

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Analysis on “Is Cannabis Really That Bad?” When most people hear the word “cannabis” or “marijuana” they think of drugs, but what most people do not think of is, is medicine. It has been found that cannabis can be used to treat certain kinds of diseases. Either way, its use in the past couple of years has increased greatly in the United States. Over the past sixteen years twenty-three states and DC have legalized the use of medical marijuana. Many people have a lot of different opinions on whether or not it should be legalized, but as time goes on it seems as if more and more people approve of it. In her article “Is Cannabis Really That Bad?”, Sabrina Richards argues that although there are a lot of studies done to find problems it causes, many researchers come up empty handed. In Richards’ article she uses data from polls taken to help support her argument and I think that that really helps. I think her argument is effective because the amount of detail she includes and how well she supports her argument. This article was written in 2013 and in it Richards states that a study was done that said the number of people who smoked marijuana “climbed from 14.4 million in 2007 to 18 million in 2011.” If in 2011 that many people had admitted to smoking then, I can only imagine how many people in the United States do now. She also says that the reason to such an increase may be due to the fact that there is no strong evidence stating that there are severe risks to it. To me, she has already shown a good amount of evidence to back up her argument this early in her article. In the first part of the article, Richards talks about how even though marijuana smoke contains carcinogens like tobacco smoke does, there is no data linking lung damage to it. Most people think that smoking pot slows you down mentally, but Richards states that a recent long-term study that said

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