Analysis of the Causes and Effects of the Boer War

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Analyze the causes and effects of the Boer War The turn-of-the-century Boer War (1880–1881) also known as the South African War was fought between the British and the Boer people in an unequal power struggle in South Africa. The war came as a result of British restrictions which had been placed on the Northern expansion of the Boers in an effort to placate the native African population, who were at this time resisting any European expansion. The Boers resisted and defied British rule and continued their Northern expansion, and the power struggle evolved and progressed until serious hostilities erupted. Some of the concepts we have to define before answering the question are analyze, causes and results. Analyze means to examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, esp. information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation, cause means a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition. In this case the actions that took place to spark the war and results mean the consequence, effect, or outcome of something. The first Boer war was a result of the British wanting to throw its weight around believing it would grant them more land, power and control. The First Anglo-Boer War was a fight to keep sovereignty by the South African Republic against British invasion. When the British annexed Transvaal in 1877 the Boers were angered. In 1877, the Pedi attacked the Boers of Transvaal, and Boers claimed the British had not adequately assisted them. The British wished to bring Transvaal by force into a union, which furthered chances of war. There were several causes of the First Anglo-Boer War and the cause were the expansion of the British Empire, problems within the Transvaal government, the British annexation of the Transvaal and the Boer opposition to British rule in the Transvaal. The first open
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