Analysis of Kids Grades

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Matthew Thompson Dr. Mirtz Writing 101 18 September 2012 Analysis of “What's the Matter with Kids Today?” Amy Goldwasser the editor of RED: Teenage Girls in America wrote an argument published in an online magazine on teenage kids reading and writing abilities. She challenges people who have similar paradigms as Doris Lessing who stated “young men and women... have read nothing knowing only some specialty, for instance, computers.” Goldwasser's argument stems from the phone survey of 1,200 17 year olds, conducted by the Common Core research organization which claimed young people today live in “stunning ignorance.” The survey consisted of multiple choice questions from a test administered by the federal government in 1986.In Goldwasser's opinion It could possibly be the older generation that the internet has seduced into the inanities of leveling charges based on fear, ignorance, and old media. The overall argument of the piece was that teenagers today have adapted a newer way of taking in information that allows them to read and write for fun, but nevertheless are they are still reading and writing. She backs the argument with facts about the amount of time teens spend each week reading and writing online. The number was 16.7 hours a week. Goldwasser also argued the point that twenty years ago high school students didn't have the internet to store their trivia, and that kids today know that the information that was learned back then will always be available on the internet. She says that this allows teenagers now to free there minds to go deeper into the concepts instead of the copyrights. This point supports the main argument by showing that the questions pulled from 1986 test by the federal government could have been answered easily if the teen would have been allowed the use of the internet he or she has become fluent in. Which all goes back to the

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