Analysis of a Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry

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Lorraine Hansberry's play "A Raisin in the Sun" was far ahead of its time in both depicting the everyday life of black people in a way that everyone can understand and discuss the oppression that black people still felt even though strides had been taken towards civil rights. According to NPR, Hansberry shared the aims for this play with her husband. "Hansberry told her husband she wanted to write a social drama about blacks that was good art. Instead of stereotyped characters that would bear no resemblance to actual people, she invented a situation that was sometimes painfully realistic. The plot revolves around what her characters do given the opportunity to escape their cramped surroundings" (NPR). Much of the material from this play is based on Hansberry's own life experiences. They are real characters. The reader can feel Mama's love for her family and her desire for them to better themselves. Travis should not have to sleep on the couch. Beneatha should be able to be a doctor, but she must be careful not to overspeak according to Mama. Beneatha's frustration with the "outdated" ideas of her mother and her brother's traditional marriage are felt. She is a dreamer and yet the reader wants to believe with her. Walter's anger is perfectly justified although it gets him nowhere, and Ruth's increasing frustration with her husband is also justified, especially as they are about to bring another child into the world. The reader hopes that Walter's scheme will work even though he/she knows it never will. In the end, the family triumphs against daunting odds. They will have to work harder than they ever have to keep their house, and they will never fit into their neighborhood. They will likely face acts of discrimination even more pronounced, but they do not swallow their pride and submit to the demands of Lindner and their neighborhood. Her characters even speak in

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