Analysis: Do I Look Like Public Enemy Number One

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ENGL 111 September 11, 2014 Guilty By Association Chris Gardener once said, “You are who you associate with. Look around at your 5 closest friends and that’s who you are. If you don’t want to be that person you know what you gotta do.” People say you are the company you keep. In “Do I Look Like Public Enemy Number One?” Ali and her family are judged by the cultural group they are a part of. When being around a certain group of people, people start judging you by who you associate yourself with. African Americans are a cultural group that is guilty by association through gang affiliation, physical appearance, and their economic status. Ali and her family were judged on their cultural group, by the people they associate themselves with…show more content…
An African American person might have higher mortgages and higher rates compared to a Caucasian or Latin person. The World Press said, “The unemployment rates are higher among African Americans. It is about twice as much compared to a Caucasian person.” Just because someone is African American people just assume they are poor, have no job, and cannot take care of themselves. They are also known to get help from the government for their housing. In the 1930s, the housing rates doubled, and banks would not lend to African Americans, and people could not re-sell their houses to African Americans if it was in a white neighborhood. If African Americans were able to buy a home in a white neighborhood, people would get scared that “black people” were moving in, so they would flee their homes. They would then re-sell their homes to an African American at a markup price. If they had one missed payment they would be evicted. Contract sellers would try everything to get them evicted and put the house back up on the market. When the year 1993 hit, it was believed that African Americans were more likely to hold a subprime loan than Caucasians. Black communities have definitely been obliterated by the industry for years now. Due to this, it is hard for African Americans to get a decent job and move up on the economical class…show more content…
When people begin to judge you and they do not know you personally they are basing their judgment on the people you associate yourself with. The African American culture is a group through history that has been given this prestique of being affiliated with the phrase “guilty before found innocent” due to their gang violence, physical appearance and their economic status. Like Ali and her family in “Do I look like Public Enemy Number One?” are a part of a cultural group that has had a bad reputation and are solely scrutinized for their association with the Arabic culture rather than their individual character. It is not until the damage is done to society when people realize that people are more than just the company they
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