Analasys On Sab Novel

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LAS “Love Destined To Failure” Avellaneda’s Sab focuses on the clear injustices and unfair treatment of women and slaves in the early 1800’s in Cuba and makes a clear connection to the ordeals that the characters in the Sab had to deal with because of the roles in society. Even more important is to point out the fact that Avellaneda’s novel the Sab was banned in Cuba for many years proving that female authors touching on topics such as slavery was unheard of and almost touchy. But, most important that women did not have a strong authority figure in society. The female’s characters (Carlota, Teresa and Martina) had to abide by the social norms that were traditional to women based on class, gender and race and Avellaneda’s as a highly intelligent women wanted to show that women did not have to depend on men to conform to social norms at that time but had almost no choice. Sab himself was a victim of falling in love with someone in the wrong place and time; he himself had to conform to the roles of society as mulatto slave until the day he died. I will show how roles in society do not only affect women but the slaves and how adverse the affects had to both group (Source). The novel focuses on Sab who is one of the main characters, who has closely related ties to most of the women in this novel. Martina an indigenous woman considers Sab her adopted son and cares and loves him as her own. Sab is insanely in love with Carlota who is an heiress to the Bellavista fortune. Carlota herself has her own complicated love story as she herself has love for Enrique Otway and marries him. Teresa who is Carlota’s adopted cousin has he own complicated love story as she is in love with Sab. To Sab, Carlota, Teresa, and Martina when it comes to interracial relationships, dating someone out of your social class, but also moral dilemmas within themselves to meet everyone’s
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