An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

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I read “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” Throughout the story, the characters mentioned are a Captain, 2 Sentinels, 2 private soldiers and of course Peyton Farquhar. Peyton was described as a planter, normal man. No real outlandish features. The military men were described in good detail from what a military person would have worn back in the late 1800’ to early 1900’s. Peyton’s wife and kids were described like any other family wants to be. Death became of Peyton, which fooled me till the end of the story. I actually thought he made it away. The dialogue I think the explanations and descriptions of everything going on around Peyton and what he is hearing and thinking. Like how the Plank of wood was described that Peyton was standing on. Or how the stream beneath him flowed like Niagara but when he saw a piece of drift wood ever so slowly moving in the stream. And then the details that were mentioned as he was in the water moving swiftly. Flash Back was used as Peyton was taking about his family as if he were with them at that moment. And then the surprising one when you think he is safe back at home, but oh no, he is dead beneath the bridge. I think this is a Short story Genre. I feel the Narrator is a non-participant in this particular short story. I think this was written in the 3rd person Omniscient Point of View. Narrator knows what all the character are thinking and speaking for them. Plot: Peyton is standing on a plank of a bridge with a noose around his neck going to be hanged. The military are about to carry out the hanging by stepping off the plank to where Peyton will drop and thus be hung. All of a sudden, Peyton feels the sudden tightening of the noose, gasping for air. At this point the suspense is really building, the rope breaks, he falls into the water. Now there gun and cannon firing at him while he swims/floats down the river.
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