An Event That Changed My Life

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Where Whitney Ian hart has only a limit who An Event That Changed My Life Lying helpless on the ground is a humbling experience. It was hot that day, a dry heat. Texas summers are brutal, not knowing the exact moment when your body shuts down from dehydration. It was one of the worst summers, with temperatures in the lower hundreds. The grass was dead and the ground was hard and rocky, perfect to dive on. Playing soccer in Texas is odd; the weather is too cold or too hot. The only colors that stood out on the field were the dark blues and blacks of jerseys in a sea of brown. Being a goalkeeper, I have most of the responsibility to keep the team organized, if I fail at that job, it costs a goal. I started to cry from the pain, and blacked out. Breaking my neck definitely changed my perception of life. We were already losing, and I was close to dehydration myself. My coaches, Kerri and Jerry, were yelling at my defenders to pick it up. I repeated it at the top of my lungs when I had to make sprawling save for the upper corner of the goal. As I threw the ball back into play, I yelled at Sean, my not-so-bright sweeper, with fiery words that would make a sailor blush. I bent down putting my hands on my knees in a futile effort to regain my sense of time and space. I was dehydrated. I looked around, desperately trying to find a yellow shirt. Everything was blurry, but I could make it out. "Hey, Mr. Official! How much time is left?" I yelled. He threw two hands up with five fingers on one, and two on the other. I could do this; there is only seven minutes to go in the half. I sucked it up, and started to concentrate on the ball and where it might go next. To my dismay, two forwards had moved up to join the attack, and one was dribbling down the field on a break away. I sprung into action, stepping up to reduce the angle on the goal. I moved past the six-yard
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