An Analysis of Hamlet’s Delay in Revenge

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An Analysis of Hamlet’s Delay in Revenge 郝杰 英本四班 014001064005 英美文学及选读 2008年10月23日 Abstract: This essay mainly talks about the reason why Hamlet, who is the famous character in W. Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet, delayed in revenge, which has been arguing by critics over hundreds of years. In this essay, I would like to show a detailed analysis from the perspective of the influences of humanism and some of other factors upon Hamlet’s delay in revenge. Key Words: humanism; inaction; delay; religious belief; oedipal complex Introduction: Hamlet is the main character in William Shakespeare’s drama Hamlet which was written around the year 1601. Many critics have been arguing about the reason why Hamlet should have delayed in taking revenge on Claudius, who was the murderer of his father’s death. Now, more and more people are getting convinced that it was the influence of his education of humanism as well as some certain factors that made him become a man of indecision. So, I would like to show these points of view in detail as follows: 1. the influence of humanism upon Hamlet 1.1 At the beginning part of Hamlet, young Hamlet was studying humanism in Germany. As Shakespeare depicted, the world to Hamlet was “This goodly frame the earth, This most excellent canopy the air, The brave o’erhanging firmament, The majestical roof fretted with golden fire…”①Hence he strongly believed that the world was gracious and glorious, from which we can draw a conclusion that Hamlet would rather not trust in the existence of devils and depravities unless he saw everything himself. We can also cite words from Hamlet’s soliloquy: “The spirit that I have seen, May be a devil, And devil hath power, T’ assume a pleasing shape…”②And this turned to be the seeds of
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