An American Future

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In Hua Hsu’s essay “The End of White America?” Hua Hsu considers the cultural changes America is making. In a world where white people will become a minority group, Hua Hsu suggests that the “melting pot mode” is taking American society to a place that moves beyond race. This essay causes one to think about where one comes from, where others are coming from, and where our society is going as a whole. It also influences one to think about the future, and whether the American society without color differences will come together to create a better country. Finally, it brings one to the idea that an America not separated by race, may still be separated by class and social acceptance. If this separation cannot be guided in a common direction or motivation of acceptance, and if people lack the desire to communicate, then it is difficult to contemplate where America will be in the future. It is obvious that the America today is vastly different than the America of the 1950’s and of earlier generations. Racism, although not completely out of the picture, has become taboo almost to the point where it is a non factor. Hua Hsu uses the example of Sean Combs, a famous R&B artist, to express the differences in today’s world. Hua Hsu says, “Combs grew up during hip-hop’s late 1970s rise, and he belongs to the first generation that could safely make a living working in the industry” (Hus 501). Combs grew up just after a time where African Americans had really just begun to receive acceptance, and were really given a chance to succeed. Combs, before becoming successful and wealthy, did not have many people who would listen to his ideas. After gaining wealth and success, Combs is now able to spread his message to a much broader range of people, people who are more likely to listen to him than they were before. He does it in a way that people can understand and
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