Amir's Relationship Quotes

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Does Amir have the right intentions? |1. Amir is a good friend to Hassan |1. Amir isn’t a good friend to Hassan | |- “I would always feel guilty about it later. So I’d try to make |-“I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan, the way he’d| |up for it by giving him one of my old shirts or a broken toy. I |stood up for me all those times in the past, and accept whatever | |would tell my self that was amends enough for a harmless prank”. |would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end, I ran.” (Hosseini| |(Hosseini 30) |77) | |…show more content…
He always |priorities are. He risked his relationship with Hassan, hoping | |knows what was best at the time for his good friend. This |that he would later forgive him in the future. | |foreshadows what will happen later between the two. | | |- “I laughed. I clutched him in a hug and planted a kiss on his |- “You can tell me. I’ll stop doing it.” (Hosseini 88) | |cheek”. (Hosseini 30) |…show more content…
| |- “Think of something good and happy, Baba said in my ear. I let |- “I wondered where Hassan was”. (Hosseini 113) | |my mind wander. I let it come. Friday afternoon… Hassan and I…” | | |(Hosseini 122) |Commentary: At this point in the story, Amir wants Hassan out of | | |his life. Even though he begs for Hassan’s absence, he can’t help| |Commentary: At this point in the story, Amir is in a predicament |to think about him. This drives him crazy and makes him wonder | |and gets advice to think of something happy. He thinks about his |how much of a role and impact Hassan plays in his life. | |fun childhood with Hassan. This brings him peace and happiness. | | |- “Hassan never denied me anything”. (Hosseini 4) |- “But we were kids who had learned to crawl together, and no
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