American Holocaust: Columbus and the Conquest of the New World

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American Holocaust: Columbus and the Conquest of the New World The inhumane and sadistic behavior of Columbus’ men was influenced by both the inherent violence in European society of their time and the opportunity to subject a race of people they thought to be inferior to their control. During Columbus’ lifetime Europe was governed by fanatical religious Christians and greedy rulers who’s main concern was to acquire as much gold and wealth as possible. Slave trade was a popular business at this time. Men, women, and children were captured during raids on tribes throughout Africa and forced into slavery. The Spanish Inquisition occurred at this time as well, in which people that didn’t convert to Catholicism were tortured and killed or put into slavery. This is the world that Columbus and his men lived and worked in. Columbus was an Italian explorer and ex-slave trader that had a hard time convincing someone to finance his voyage. He finally convinced the king and queen of Spain to commission him Admiral of the Ocean Sea and to provide money, men, and ships for his voyage. In this deal he would sail under the flag of Spain and would receive a share of the profits secured from whatever lands he reached in Asia. He was to claim lands in the name of Spain. He was to also receive a pledge of allegiance from the inhabitants to the Catholic Church, the Pope, and the Spanish Crown. Columbus never reached Asia. What he found instead were the islands in the Caribbean. All the lands he found were inhabited by wild natives and he claimed them as Spanish territories. This is when the American Holocaust started. When Columbus went on his voyage he tried to make people convert to Catholicism. One tool he used was the reading of the Requerimiento. This was an oath of allegiance that if the people didn’t accept or obey they would be tortured and killed or enslaved. It didn’t
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