American Family Court System

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In 2011 the divorce rate in California was 11.4 percent. For individuals such as myself residing in Orange County who find themselves no longer satisfied in their marriage, will more than likely end up at the Orange County Superior Court House. On the Sixth floor you will find a wide range of age, race, religion and social status as eventually every marriage is susceptible to a divorce. On 05 June 2009 I married my high school sweetheart and on 04 October 2011 I found myself in the fight of my life. Before any parent decides to partake in a disillusion of marriage they first need to ask themselves one simple question, what is your child worth to you? I separated from my ex-wife on 04 October 2011 and was finally granted my divorce on 01 March 2013. During those twenty months I will have made sixteen court appearances, spent over 34,323 dollars and countless sleepless nights. Nothing can prepare you for a knock down drag out fight for custody of a child. My son was six months old when my ex-wife and I separated. On October 12 2011 I went to court on an ex-party hearing for temporary custody, which was denied due to the fact that it was our first case and we did…show more content…
I realize that every system has flaws however in my case it seemed as if there were more flaws then good. In the end I could see why the Hispanic lady was crying at my first courting hearing back in October 2011, the pain and despair a divorce takes on a person is not natural. You would like to think that your attorney is on your side but not surprisingly they White 6 are on the side of getting paid. The Family Court System needs to be more about the families and not about money and greed. Judges need to realize that these are not just papers coming across their desk, these are people’s lives and the decisions they make will not only affect the parents’ lives but the children’s lives as

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