American Dream Argument

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The American Dream: Fact or Fiction? In 1931, historian James T. Adams wrote a book called The Epic of America, which is also referred to as “The American Dream.” Adams describes how America is a land of dreams in which everyone has an opportunity to achieve what he or she desires according to ability and determination. The question is whether today’s meaning of “The American Dream” truly does give one the life of prosperity that immigrants travel here for, and that citizens expect. Today’s interpretation of “living the dream” is that hardworking citizens are able to take care of and improve their lives. This interpretation of “living the dream,” has begun to fade away, making “The American Dream” unattainable for many. The American Dream is fading, as higher education has left many students lost and in debt, income inequality is expanding, and economic fairness is dwindling. In today’s America, the struggle with income inequality has grown into more of an issue. Due to the struggle with income inequality, the gap between the rich and the poor is significantly expanding, causing the dream to travel further out of reach for many. In his article, “Keeping the Dream Alive,” Meacham mentions this issue in today’s economy. “The widening gap between the rich and the poor suggests the dream is becoming more elusive for more people than at any other time in our history” (Meacham 6). Income inequality has grown significantly since the 1970’s in America, widening the gap between the rich and the poor, resulting in shrinkage of the middle class. “PARADE surveyed more than 2,200 Americans, 84% describe themselves as belonging to the middle class…by international standards, they live a life of prosperity. Yet behind this prosperity is a growing unease... 39% have had cuts in their overtime, raises or bonuses… 47% say that no matter how hard they work, they cannot get ahead.
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