American Civil War Research Paper

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American Civil War American Civil War Shelby Foote was a renowned and highly respected historian. When he said, “The Civil War defined us as what we are, and it opened us to what we became, good and bad things.” I think he was talking about the United States as a nation. The American Civil War was a catastrophe like this nation had never known. People who were like minded in many other ways were pitted against each other in this conflict. If one is to understand the passion and determination of the American people in the 20th century, it is necessary to know about the trials and tribulations they had experienced up to that point in time. I think Foote’s passage was about a number of things that…show more content…
The more powerful central government drew allegiance away from individual states and toward national patriotism. This national identity known as American nationalism, in part, helped to move the United States toward being the powerful world leader it is today. The Civil War had an immediate and a long term impact on everyday life in the United States. It caused a change in the role of women in the workplace, and opened the door for them to be a more vocal force in politics. The fight for women’s rights began to come to the surface in the years after the Civil War. During the years leading up to the war, hard and fast religious beliefs about what part slavery should have in life lead to conflict. In the years after the war, a less literal interpretation of the Bible began to be adopted. The split between Protestants and Catholics in the North and the South began to…show more content…
For many years prior to the war, the North had enjoyed a much higher degree of prosperity. Already being an industrialized area of the nation, the North possessed more infrastructure, transportation, material, and money. The Union army was well equipped, had more manpower and more resources than the Confederacy could ever hope to muster. In addition to all the evident resources in their possession, the North had a well-oiled political and propaganda machine. They were able to process and disseminate information much more quickly. Another powerful asset of the North was its navy. Much has been said about the victories the Union army enjoyed but the naval blockade imposed on the South had a crippling effect on the ability of the Confederacy to trade its resources for much needed war materials and
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