American Airlines Essay

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Group Case Write-Up: American Airlines What is “Value Pricing” and why did AA introduce it? Value based pricing is a business strategy that sets prices primarily on the perceived value of the good or service to the customer, rather than on the actual cost of the good or service, the market price, competitors price, or the historical price. American Airlines’ value pricing has three key points that compromise the new plan, which are the following: 1) 4 four different fare prices for a given flight (first class, regular coach, 7-day advanced purchased discount coach, and 21-Day advanced purchased discount coach); 2) prices are based on mileage; and 3) lower prices would be available to more business and leisure travelers due to the fact that the new fares were set below the levels of the comparable existing fares. American Airlines introduced value pricing for several reasons. The first major reason was the nature of the airline industry. It was found that nearly half of leisure travelers and more than a quarter of business travelers did not have a preferences when it came to airlines. There were only two real concern of the passengers: first, the price and second, the frequent service (lots of time-of-day choices). There was also major consolidation in the airline industry in the early nineties due to extremely high fuel costs. Many firms filed for bankruptcy or were acquired by other firms. Secondly, the way American Airlines had been pricing tickets was not sustainable. Nearly 85% of all tickets sold went through a travel agency, where travel agents made their livings based off commissions. The complex fare structure meant that American Airlines had over 500,000 different fares for tickets. Also, value pricing would help American Airlines lower their chances of incurring costs from overbooking. Furthermore, 93% of tickets were sold at a

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